Friday, June 12, 2015

Signature Colors

Happy Friday!

I hope everyone has had a productive and positive work week.  Enjoy the weekend knowing that you have done your best work, no matter what you do.  If you are looking for work, as long as you have planted the seeds for landing a job, I wish you the best.  Rest and revive over the weekend.

Happy Friday!
As a grown ass woman, pink is my signature color.  When I was a child, my mother painted my bedroom walls pink, put a pink canopy on the bed, and had pink shelves in the room.  I hated pink.  I even told my mother to please take the Pepto Bismol pink shelves out of the room but she ignored me.  As soon as I could make my own decisions, I experimented with other colors and went through phases.  I liked purple and made it my signature color when I was in my Prince fan phase.  Then it was black when I was in my cool, hip, phase.  Then it was beige when I was in a neutral position, loving the natural, nude tones.  One day I saw the calm, charm, femininity, and cuteness in pink.  I began buying clothing and accessories that were pink.  Hot pink, fuchsia, reddish pink, blue toned pink, there were so many hues to choose.  Mom was on to something back in the day.  I like pink, can even say I love pink.  There are so many pink things in my life, it can be too much.  I had to learn to scale it down a bit and critique my life so that I am not a walking-talking, pink panther looking somebody.

Having a signature color can be a way to uplift my mood.  When I am feeling a little blah, woke up with allergy symptoms, a headache, cramps, whatever, I need something to make me feel good enough where I can get through the day.  All I need is to function.  I can dress in a rather plain outfit, jeans, t-shirt, and flats.  Adding a pink jacket will add some punch to my look.  I find myself walking a little taller, head up, shoulders back, and more self-esteem.  Suddenly, my day is looking better because the pink makes me feel happy.  If someone compliments my jacket, I am even happier.  Before I know it, I am feeling well enough to get through the day.  There is no way I am suggesting that a signature color cures the allergy symptoms, I have medicine for that.  I am saying that for me, pink cures my low moods.

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